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Merry Christmas2017年金苹果小学部圣诞狂欢

Ring, ring, ring, deer’re running. Santa claus ’s coming. It’s snowing tonight. What a beautiful night. Walking in Gold Apple happy land.


December 22nd, the day of Christmas party.

换装、化妆, 父母和孩子们忙得不亦乐乎。

08:30 父母准时进入会场,接受孩子们的视频祝福。

08:50 孩子们和金苹果幼儿园的弟弟妹妹们一起走入会场。

09:00 圣诞钟声敲响, 一年级家长Echo 携双胞胎女儿及在金苹果幼儿园读书的儿子走上舞台,在三个萌娃稚嫩的宣布下, Christmas party begins!  

Winter wonderland in Gold Apple


This is the stage to show confidence and optimism.

金苹果传统的单词达人赛Vocabulary Talent、最佳英语趣配音奖Outstanding English Dubbing Award、圣诞创意手工作品奖,满满的骄傲和自豪。


This is the tradition at Gold Apple: Christmas Gastronomy Fair. 

我们还有另一个传统: 交换礼物。

Almost the most exciting time for kids.

Ring, ring, ring, deer’re running. Santa claus ’s coming. It’s snowing tonight. What a beautiful night. Walking in Gold Apple happy land.